Hopkin, Jonathan and Rosamond, Ben (2017) Post-truth politics, bullshit and bad ideas: ‘Deficit Fetishism’ in the UK New Political Economy. 1-15. ISSN 1356-3467
Hopkin, Jonathan (2017) When Polanyi met Farage: Market fundamentalism, economic nationalism, and Britain’s exit from the European Union British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19 (3). 465-478. ISSN 1369-1481
Hopkin, Jonathan and Alexander Shaw, Kate (2016) Organized combat or structural advantage? The politics of inequality and the winner-take-all economy in the United Kingdom Politics and Society, 44 (3). 345-371. ISSN 0032-3292
Hopkin, Jonathan and Lynch, Julia (2016) Winner-take-all politics in Europe? European inequality in comparative perspective Politics and Society, 44 (3). 335-343. ISSN 0032-3292
Hopkin, Jonathan (2015) 'The Troubled South. The Euro Crisis in Italy and Spain', in Mark Blyth and Matthias Matthijs (eds.), The Future of the Euro. Oxford University Press, pp.161-86.
Hopkin, Jonathan (2014) The politics of Piketty: what political science can learn from, and contribute to, the debate on Capital in the Twenty-First Century The British Journal of Sociology, 65 (4). 678-695. ISSN 0007-1315
Hopkin, Jonathan (2013) 'The Trouble With Economic Reform: the Euro Crisis in Spain and Italy', in Francisco Panizza and George Philip (eds.), Moments of Truth. The Politics of Financial Crises in Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge, pp.140-57.
Gianfranco Baldini and Jonathan Hopkin (eds.)(2012) Coalition Britain. The UK Election of 2010. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Hopkin, Jonathan (2012) A slow fuse: Italy and the EU debt crisis International Spectator, 47 (4). 35-48. ISSN 0393-2729
Hopkin, Jonathan and Blyth, Mark (2012) What can Okun teach Polanyi? Efficiency, regulation and equality in the OECD Review of International Political Economy, 19 (1). 1-33. ISSN 0969-2290
Cooley, Alexander and Hopkin, Jonathan (2010) Base closings: the rise and decline of the US military bases issue in Spain, 1975-2005 International Political Science Review, 31 (4). 494-513. ISSN 0192-5121
Hopkin, Jonathan and van Houten, Pieter (2009) Decentralization and state-wide parties: introduction Party Politics, 15 (2). 131-136. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (2009) Party matters: devolution and party politics in Britain and Spain Party Politics, 15 (2). 179-198. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (2008) Decentralisation and party organisational change: the case of Italy In: Swenden, Wilfried and Maddens, Bart, (eds.) Territorial Party Politics in Western Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, 86-101. ISBN 9780230521629
Hopkin, Jonathan and Ignazi, Piero (2008) Newly governing parties in Italy: comparing the PDS/DS, Lega Nord and Forza Italia In: Deschouwer, Kris, (ed.) New Parties in Government: in Power for the First Time. Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science. Routledge, Oxford, UK, 45-64. ISBN 9780415404990
Hopkin, Jonathan and van Biezen, Ingrid (2007) Spain and Portugal In: Hay, C and Menon, A, (eds.) European Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 101-116. ISBN 9780199284283
Hopkin, Jonathan (2007) United Kingdom: new Labour, new Britain? In: Tiersky, R and Jones, E, (eds.) Europe Today. a Twenty-First Century Introduction. Rowman and Littlefield, New York, USA, 57-90. ISBN 9780742555013
Hopkin, Jonathan and Gunther, R. (2007) Una crisis de institucionalización: el colapso de UCD en España In: Montero, J. R. and Gunther, R. and Linz, J., (eds.) Partidos Políticos: Viejos Conceptos y Nuevos Retos. Editorial Trotta, Madrid, Spain, 165-207. ISBN 9788481648607
Hopkin, Jonathan (2007) Entre el gobierno y la oposición: los empresarios políticos y la formación de la Unión de Centro Democrático In: Quirosa-Cheyrouze y Muñoz, Rafael, (ed.) Historia De la Transición: Los Inicios Del Proceso Democratizador. Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, Spain, 269-283.
Hopkin, Jonathan and Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés (2007) "Grabbing hand" or "helping hand"? Corruption and the economic role of the state Governance, 20 (2). 187-208. ISSN 0952-1895
Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) Clientelism and party politics In: Katz, Richard S. and Crotty, William J., (eds.) Handbook of Party Politics. Sage, London, UK, 406-412. ISBN 0761943145
van Biezen, Ingrid and Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) Party organization in multi-level contexts In: Hough, Dan and Jeffery, Charlie, (eds.) Devolution and Electoral Politics. Devolution series. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, 14-36. ISBN 9780719073304
Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) From federation to union, from parties to primaries: the search for unity in the center-left In: Amyot, Grant and Verzichelli, Luca, (eds.) The End of the Berlusconi Era. Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK, 67-84. ISBN 9781845452667
Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) Dalla federazione all’unione, alle primarie. Il cammino del centro-sinistraIn: Amyot, G. and Verzichelli, L., (eds.) Politica in Italia 2006. I Fatti Dell’anno e Le Interpretazioni 2006. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy, 87-108. ISBN 9788815111012
Hopkin, Jonathan and Wincott, Daniel (2006) New Labour, economic reform and the European social model British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 8 (1). 50-68. ISSN 1369-1481
Hopkin, Jonathan and Bradbury, Jonathan (2006) British statewide parties and multilevel politicsPublius: the Journal of Federalism, 36 (1). 135-152. ISSN 0048-5950
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) I regno unito In: Vassallo, S., (ed.) Sistemi Politici Comparati. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy, 127-154. ISBN 9788815107855
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Forza Italia ten years on In: Guarnieri, Carlo and Newell, James L., (eds.) Quo Vadis?. Italian politics, 20. Berghahn, Oxford, UK, 102-127. ISBN 9781845451370
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) The Berlusconi government at mid-term: a miracle just around the corner?Mediterranean Politics, 10 (1). 109-115. ISSN 1362-9395
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Forza Italia a dieci anni dalla fondazione In: Guarnieri, C. and Newell, J. L., (eds.) Politica in Italia 2005: I Fatti e Le Interpretazioni. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy, 101-120. ISBN 9788815106315
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Towards a chequebook democracy? Business, parties and the funding of politics in Italy and the United States Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 10 (1). 43-58. ISSN 1354-571X
van Biezen, Ingrid and Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) The Presidentialization of Spanish democracy: sources of Prime Ministerial power in Post-Franco Spain In: Poguntke, Thomas and Webb, Paul, (eds.) The Presidentialization of Politics in Democratic Societies?. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 107-127.
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Spain: Proportional Representation with majoritarian outcomes In: Gallagher, Michael and Mitchell, Paul, (eds.) The Politics of Electoral Systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 375-396. ISBN 9780199257560
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) La democrazia di partito nei paesi industriali avanzati: una discussioneRivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 3. 491-502. ISSN 0048-8402
Hopkin, Jonathan and Blyth, M (2004) La globalizzazione e il mutamento della socialdemocraziaMeridiana: Rivista di Storia e Scienze Sociali, 50-51. 41-70. ISSN 0394-4115
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) From Consensus to Competition: The Changing Nature of Democracy in the Spanish Transition In: Balfour, Sebastian, (ed.) The Politics of Contemporary Spain. Routledge/Canada Blanch Studies on Contemporary Spain. Routledge, London, 6-26. ISBN 0415356776
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) Paying for Party Response: Parties of the Centre-Right in Post-War ItalyIn: Lawson, Kay and Poguntke, Thomas, (eds.) How Political Parties Respond to Voters: Interest Aggregation Revisited. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, Vol. 1 (1st). Routledge, London, 176-197. ISBN 0415347971
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) The problem with party finance : theoretical perspectives on the funding of party politics Party Politics, 10 (6). 627-651. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (2003) Political decentralisation, electoral change and party organisational adaptation: a framework for analysis European Urban and Regional Studies, 10 (3). 227-237. ISSN 1461-7145
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) Comparative methods In: Marsh, David and Stoker, Gerry, (eds.) Theory and Methods in Political Science. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 249-270. ISBN 9780333948569
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) States, markets and corruption: a review of some recent literature Review of International Political Economy, 9 (3). 574-590. ISSN 0969-2290
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) The economics of political integrity: a critique of Hudson and JonesPolitical Studies, 50 (3). 573-578. ISSN 0032-3217
Hopkin, Jonathan and Gunther, Richard (2002) A crisis of institutionalization: the collapse of the UCD in Spain In: Gunther, Richard and Montero, José and Linz, Juan, (eds.) Political Parties: Old Concepts and New Challenges. Comparative politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 191-232. ISBN 9780198296690
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) Political decentralisation and party organisational adaptation: a framework for analysis Devolution and Constitutional Change, Economic and Social Research Council, Edinburgh, UK.
Hopkin, Jonathan and Mastropaolo, Alfio (2001) From patronage to clientelism: comparing the Italian and Spanish experiences In: Piattoni, Simona, (ed.) Clientelism, Interests, and Democratic Representation. Cambridge studies in comparative politics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 152-171. ISBN 9780521804776
Hopkin, Jonathan (2001) A ‘Southern model’ of electoral mobilisation?: clientelism and electoral politics in post-Franco Spain West European Politics, 24 (1). 115-136. ISSN 1743-9655
Hopkin, Jonathan (2001) Bringing the members back in? Democratizing candidate selection in Britain and Spain Party Politics, 7 (3). 343-361. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (1999) Party formation and democratic transition in Spain: the creation and collapse of the Union of the Democratic Centre Palgrave Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333717097
Hopkin, Jonathan (1999) Spain: political parties in a young democracy In: Broughton, David and Donovan, Mark, (eds.) Changing Party Systems in Western Europe. Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, London, 207-231. ISBN 9781855673281
Hopkin, Jonathan and Paolucci, Caterina (1999) The business firm model of party organisation: cases from Spain and Italy European Journal of Political Research, 35 (3). 307-339. ISSN 0304-4130
Hopkin, Jonathan (1997) Political parties, political corruption, and the economic theory of democracy Crime, Law and Social Change, 27 (3-4). 255-274. ISSN 0925-4994
Hopkin, Jonathan and Rosamond, Ben (2017) Post-truth politics, bullshit and bad ideas: ‘Deficit Fetishism’ in the UK New Political Economy. 1-15. ISSN 1356-3467
Hopkin, Jonathan (2017) When Polanyi met Farage: Market fundamentalism, economic nationalism, and Britain’s exit from the European Union British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19 (3). 465-478. ISSN 1369-1481
Hopkin, Jonathan and Alexander Shaw, Kate (2016) Organized combat or structural advantage? The politics of inequality and the winner-take-all economy in the United Kingdom Politics and Society, 44 (3). 345-371. ISSN 0032-3292
Hopkin, Jonathan and Lynch, Julia (2016) Winner-take-all politics in Europe? European inequality in comparative perspective Politics and Society, 44 (3). 335-343. ISSN 0032-3292
Hopkin, Jonathan (2015) 'The Troubled South. The Euro Crisis in Italy and Spain', in Mark Blyth and Matthias Matthijs (eds.), The Future of the Euro. Oxford University Press, pp.161-86.
Hopkin, Jonathan (2014) The politics of Piketty: what political science can learn from, and contribute to, the debate on Capital in the Twenty-First Century The British Journal of Sociology, 65 (4). 678-695. ISSN 0007-1315
Hopkin, Jonathan (2013) 'The Trouble With Economic Reform: the Euro Crisis in Spain and Italy', in Francisco Panizza and George Philip (eds.), Moments of Truth. The Politics of Financial Crises in Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge, pp.140-57.
Gianfranco Baldini and Jonathan Hopkin (eds.)(2012) Coalition Britain. The UK Election of 2010. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Hopkin, Jonathan (2012) A slow fuse: Italy and the EU debt crisis International Spectator, 47 (4). 35-48. ISSN 0393-2729
Hopkin, Jonathan and Blyth, Mark (2012) What can Okun teach Polanyi? Efficiency, regulation and equality in the OECD Review of International Political Economy, 19 (1). 1-33. ISSN 0969-2290
Cooley, Alexander and Hopkin, Jonathan (2010) Base closings: the rise and decline of the US military bases issue in Spain, 1975-2005 International Political Science Review, 31 (4). 494-513. ISSN 0192-5121
Hopkin, Jonathan and van Houten, Pieter (2009) Decentralization and state-wide parties: introduction Party Politics, 15 (2). 131-136. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (2009) Party matters: devolution and party politics in Britain and Spain Party Politics, 15 (2). 179-198. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (2008) Decentralisation and party organisational change: the case of Italy In: Swenden, Wilfried and Maddens, Bart, (eds.) Territorial Party Politics in Western Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, 86-101. ISBN 9780230521629
Hopkin, Jonathan and Ignazi, Piero (2008) Newly governing parties in Italy: comparing the PDS/DS, Lega Nord and Forza Italia In: Deschouwer, Kris, (ed.) New Parties in Government: in Power for the First Time. Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science. Routledge, Oxford, UK, 45-64. ISBN 9780415404990
Hopkin, Jonathan and van Biezen, Ingrid (2007) Spain and Portugal In: Hay, C and Menon, A, (eds.) European Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 101-116. ISBN 9780199284283
Hopkin, Jonathan (2007) United Kingdom: new Labour, new Britain? In: Tiersky, R and Jones, E, (eds.) Europe Today. a Twenty-First Century Introduction. Rowman and Littlefield, New York, USA, 57-90. ISBN 9780742555013
Hopkin, Jonathan and Gunther, R. (2007) Una crisis de institucionalización: el colapso de UCD en España In: Montero, J. R. and Gunther, R. and Linz, J., (eds.) Partidos Políticos: Viejos Conceptos y Nuevos Retos. Editorial Trotta, Madrid, Spain, 165-207. ISBN 9788481648607
Hopkin, Jonathan (2007) Entre el gobierno y la oposición: los empresarios políticos y la formación de la Unión de Centro Democrático In: Quirosa-Cheyrouze y Muñoz, Rafael, (ed.) Historia De la Transición: Los Inicios Del Proceso Democratizador. Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, Spain, 269-283.
Hopkin, Jonathan and Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés (2007) "Grabbing hand" or "helping hand"? Corruption and the economic role of the state Governance, 20 (2). 187-208. ISSN 0952-1895
Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) Clientelism and party politics In: Katz, Richard S. and Crotty, William J., (eds.) Handbook of Party Politics. Sage, London, UK, 406-412. ISBN 0761943145
van Biezen, Ingrid and Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) Party organization in multi-level contexts In: Hough, Dan and Jeffery, Charlie, (eds.) Devolution and Electoral Politics. Devolution series. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, 14-36. ISBN 9780719073304
Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) From federation to union, from parties to primaries: the search for unity in the center-left In: Amyot, Grant and Verzichelli, Luca, (eds.) The End of the Berlusconi Era. Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK, 67-84. ISBN 9781845452667
Hopkin, Jonathan (2006) Dalla federazione all’unione, alle primarie. Il cammino del centro-sinistraIn: Amyot, G. and Verzichelli, L., (eds.) Politica in Italia 2006. I Fatti Dell’anno e Le Interpretazioni 2006. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy, 87-108. ISBN 9788815111012
Hopkin, Jonathan and Wincott, Daniel (2006) New Labour, economic reform and the European social model British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 8 (1). 50-68. ISSN 1369-1481
Hopkin, Jonathan and Bradbury, Jonathan (2006) British statewide parties and multilevel politicsPublius: the Journal of Federalism, 36 (1). 135-152. ISSN 0048-5950
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) I regno unito In: Vassallo, S., (ed.) Sistemi Politici Comparati. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy, 127-154. ISBN 9788815107855
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Forza Italia ten years on In: Guarnieri, Carlo and Newell, James L., (eds.) Quo Vadis?. Italian politics, 20. Berghahn, Oxford, UK, 102-127. ISBN 9781845451370
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) The Berlusconi government at mid-term: a miracle just around the corner?Mediterranean Politics, 10 (1). 109-115. ISSN 1362-9395
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Forza Italia a dieci anni dalla fondazione In: Guarnieri, C. and Newell, J. L., (eds.) Politica in Italia 2005: I Fatti e Le Interpretazioni. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy, 101-120. ISBN 9788815106315
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Towards a chequebook democracy? Business, parties and the funding of politics in Italy and the United States Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 10 (1). 43-58. ISSN 1354-571X
van Biezen, Ingrid and Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) The Presidentialization of Spanish democracy: sources of Prime Ministerial power in Post-Franco Spain In: Poguntke, Thomas and Webb, Paul, (eds.) The Presidentialization of Politics in Democratic Societies?. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 107-127.
Hopkin, Jonathan (2005) Spain: Proportional Representation with majoritarian outcomes In: Gallagher, Michael and Mitchell, Paul, (eds.) The Politics of Electoral Systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 375-396. ISBN 9780199257560
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) La democrazia di partito nei paesi industriali avanzati: una discussioneRivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 3. 491-502. ISSN 0048-8402
Hopkin, Jonathan and Blyth, M (2004) La globalizzazione e il mutamento della socialdemocraziaMeridiana: Rivista di Storia e Scienze Sociali, 50-51. 41-70. ISSN 0394-4115
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) From Consensus to Competition: The Changing Nature of Democracy in the Spanish Transition In: Balfour, Sebastian, (ed.) The Politics of Contemporary Spain. Routledge/Canada Blanch Studies on Contemporary Spain. Routledge, London, 6-26. ISBN 0415356776
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) Paying for Party Response: Parties of the Centre-Right in Post-War ItalyIn: Lawson, Kay and Poguntke, Thomas, (eds.) How Political Parties Respond to Voters: Interest Aggregation Revisited. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, Vol. 1 (1st). Routledge, London, 176-197. ISBN 0415347971
Hopkin, Jonathan (2004) The problem with party finance : theoretical perspectives on the funding of party politics Party Politics, 10 (6). 627-651. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (2003) Political decentralisation, electoral change and party organisational adaptation: a framework for analysis European Urban and Regional Studies, 10 (3). 227-237. ISSN 1461-7145
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) Comparative methods In: Marsh, David and Stoker, Gerry, (eds.) Theory and Methods in Political Science. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 249-270. ISBN 9780333948569
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) States, markets and corruption: a review of some recent literature Review of International Political Economy, 9 (3). 574-590. ISSN 0969-2290
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) The economics of political integrity: a critique of Hudson and JonesPolitical Studies, 50 (3). 573-578. ISSN 0032-3217
Hopkin, Jonathan and Gunther, Richard (2002) A crisis of institutionalization: the collapse of the UCD in Spain In: Gunther, Richard and Montero, José and Linz, Juan, (eds.) Political Parties: Old Concepts and New Challenges. Comparative politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 191-232. ISBN 9780198296690
Hopkin, Jonathan (2002) Political decentralisation and party organisational adaptation: a framework for analysis Devolution and Constitutional Change, Economic and Social Research Council, Edinburgh, UK.
Hopkin, Jonathan and Mastropaolo, Alfio (2001) From patronage to clientelism: comparing the Italian and Spanish experiences In: Piattoni, Simona, (ed.) Clientelism, Interests, and Democratic Representation. Cambridge studies in comparative politics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 152-171. ISBN 9780521804776
Hopkin, Jonathan (2001) A ‘Southern model’ of electoral mobilisation?: clientelism and electoral politics in post-Franco Spain West European Politics, 24 (1). 115-136. ISSN 1743-9655
Hopkin, Jonathan (2001) Bringing the members back in? Democratizing candidate selection in Britain and Spain Party Politics, 7 (3). 343-361. ISSN 1460-3683
Hopkin, Jonathan (1999) Party formation and democratic transition in Spain: the creation and collapse of the Union of the Democratic Centre Palgrave Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333717097
Hopkin, Jonathan (1999) Spain: political parties in a young democracy In: Broughton, David and Donovan, Mark, (eds.) Changing Party Systems in Western Europe. Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, London, 207-231. ISBN 9781855673281
Hopkin, Jonathan and Paolucci, Caterina (1999) The business firm model of party organisation: cases from Spain and Italy European Journal of Political Research, 35 (3). 307-339. ISSN 0304-4130
Hopkin, Jonathan (1997) Political parties, political corruption, and the economic theory of democracy Crime, Law and Social Change, 27 (3-4). 255-274. ISSN 0925-4994